Self-teaching Manual
Is all about Lyrics Composing – Song forms, Title/Hook lines, Storylines and Themes, Rhyme Scheme, Crafting the Verse-Chorus-Bridge-Tag, Song Performing Styles and much more.
The latest in Gospel/Worship Songwriting is also presented in a whole separate chapter devoted to it in this book.
Become a successful Songwriter. Compose your own Lyrics and Music to styles such as Pop, Rock, Blues, Country, R&B, Jazz and Gospel.
Self-teaching Manual
Self-Teaching Guide to
By Paul Rodricks
Have you ever felt the urge to write your own songs?
To compose your own lyrics and melody?
Are you a lyricist wishing to set music to your lyrics?
Or a music composer desirous of writing the lyrics to
your music?
Or a music lover and hobbyist wondering how songs are crafted?
If so, Creative Songwriting is just the right practical
self-teaching manual for you. Because Songwriting has
never been made so easy and simple.
Is all about Lyrics Composing – Song forms, Title/Hook lines, Storylines and Themes, Rhyme Scheme, Crafting the Verse-Chorus-Bridge-Tag, Song Performing Styles and much more.
The latest in Gospel/Worship Songwriting is also presented in a whole separate chapter devoted to it in this book.
Become a successful Songwriter. Compose your own Lyrics and Music to styles such as Pop, Rock, Blues, Country, R&B, Jazz and Gospel.
Lyrics: The Composition
“To seize the flying thought before it escapes us is our only touch with reality.” – Ellen Glasgow
The Title Line or HOOK
(The make or break element of the Song)
Title Line Can Tell a Tale
You could take the first title, “Why does it have to be this way?” and see what random ideas you can come up with. First of all, the questioning nature of the title invokes curiosity. The listener would be keen enough to know what‟s the explanation (story) behind the Why?
This title can be interpreted in different ways:
(a) From a human interest point of view, it could mean a relationship on the rocks. Here we could develop the reasons for the relationship going wrong and maybe asking for or offering reconciliation or patch-up of some sort. Everything appeared to be going fine until some diversion came up, viz. In the form of another person, a misunderstanding, past history, a malicious rumor, some untoward incident or happening, affecting the relationship of the parties involved and so on.
(b) In a general way – the Title could be making a circumstantial statement about an event or happening or from a point of view arising from whatever manner of living – thoughts and action. And we could develop a story from any such personal or social theme.
Let‟s subject the title line, “Why does it have to be this Way?” to some scrutiny from a flashback point of view of a personal relationship:
Who is making this statement?
Who else is involved?
What led to making this statement?
What went wrong? How did it come about?
When did this happen?
Who is to blame?
Is reconciliation possible?
Do the parties desire it?
Or is it the end, kaput, to the relationship?
Regrets? No Regrets?
How does the theme end?
Here‟s one way to make a start:
Why does it have to be this way?
You and I made a pledge
Never like memories to fade away
But now how strangely we behave
The pretenses we act and the things we say
Past caring who or how much we hurt
Leveling the score, never to trust
Why does it have to be this way?
As an imaginative exercise, take the above theme forward and see what you make of the rest verses, a chorus and bridge. Of course, you could rewrite the above example to suit your theme.
Start making a list of words or phrases by way of expressing the thoughts, emotions and images that come to your mind from answering such queries. Write down as many as you can. To be more graphic or colorful, look into the thesaurus for other similar words and phrases and then check them against those of opposite meanings.
Proceeding with this line of examining any title or theme and depending on what answers you come up with, you will at least have a glimmer of an idea or some outline of a story line for your song lyrics, which you can later improvise with better lyrics incorporating graphic, emotive words and phrases of varied structure for overall contrast in the song.
Next: The Hook
(Songs are BEST remembered by their Title/Hook Line)
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