Creative Music Composing
Self-Teaching Manual
from D.S. sign
D.S. is a term for from the sign.
Coda symbol - The Circle with the Plus sign within is a sign for skipping the measure/s.
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Self-Teaching Manual
Releasing soon......
Self-Teaching Manual
By Paul Rodricks
Have you ever felt the urge to write your own songs?
To compose your own lyrics and melody?
Are you a lyricist wishing to set music to your lyrics?
Or a music composer desirous of writing the lyrics to
your music? Or a music lover and hobbyist wondering
how songs are crafted?
If so, Creative Music Composing
is just the right practical
self-teaching manual for you. Because Songwriting has
never been made so easy and simple.
The Manual covers all the music aspects of Writing Melodies– melody notes, tonality of scales and harmony in chord progressions and rhythm. You begin from learning to create simple melodies to composing complete performing versions of songs by using the Digital Numbering System, the Solfeggio (do-re-mi) and ABCDEFG notation methods.
Become a successful Songwriter. Compose your
own Lyrics and Music to styles such as Pop, Rock,
Blues, Country, R&B, Jazz, Gospel and others.
Read here the Preview of the Section 2 from Creative Music Composing by Paul Rodricks:
Section 2
“If I were not a
Physicist, I’d probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my
daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music … I get most joy in life
out of music.”
- Albert Einstein
Music Staff and Scale Notes
Fig. 1
- The music staff with its elements at a
Music Staff, Bar/Measure
In the following
Sections of the music theory, we shall deal with only the essentials of music
fundamentals as may be necessary to write simple melodies to begin with. For a more thorough study, you would need a
music theory book available at any local music bookstore.
and 2(a) below shows a group of 5 lines and 4 spaces (created between these lines) together called the Music
Fig. 2
Fig. 2(a) The Number of Lines and Spaces in a Music
The Staff, which
holds the musical notes on its lines and in the spaces, corresponding to the movement
of your lyrics, is divided into equal parts called “MEASURES”.
A Measure is a vertical line that you see
drawn across the musical staff in Fig. 3,
which is in turn popularly called the
“BAR” line. The latter rhythmically splits
the melody patterns of your lyrics in the
Fig. 3 – The bar line defining the number of measures or bars in
a music score or sheet-music.
In the following Fig. 4, you see the double-vertical lines called the Double Bar which
signify that the section or part of music notation before or in front of
the double bar symbol ends there and the last darkened thick bar tells
you that the music score or the song ends there
Fig. 4. – The Double Bar & Darkened Bar
Double Darkened
In the case of a pair of dots appearing with a
double-bar (generally darkened), it means the music score before the
two-dotted double-bar or between any 2 (two)-dotted double-bars must be repeated.
Repeat this
Section Repeat this Section
D.C. is the
abbreviation for da capo meaning that you play or sing from
the beginning.
Fig. 6 – The D.C. Symbol
Play/Sing from the
below for an explanation of the abbreviations in the Fig. 7:
7 – The
D.S., Coda other Symbols:
Skip these measures
D.S. is a term for from the sign.
The stricken “S”
with the (slash) / across it and two
dots is a continuation symbol.
Coda symbol - The Circle with the Plus sign within is a sign for skipping the measure/s.
playing or singing a music score when you come across a D.S. sign, it
says that you go back to that part/measure of music which displays the “S” symbol with the slash and two dots
over it, and continue from there.
While the Coda symbol - Circle with the
Plus Sign - tells you to skip or rather not to play or sing from
all those bars/measures of notes that appear between this symbol and the
bar or measure marked “CODA”, as you continue along the music
can be held over bar lines by connecting them with ties, as
depicted in the example below::
Fig. 8 – Bar Line Tie
NEXT: Music Notes/Tones
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I invite your comments and queries. Thank you.
Paul Rodricks, Author