Article: The GODFATHER of Pakistan's ISI
One gets the
impression from the general media coverage of the Pakistan’s military action
against the Taliban and the various Islamic terror outfits, and behind the
scene the covert role, however questionable, of its powerful intelligence arm, the
ISI - the Inter-Service Intelligence Agency - that the Government
of Pakistan and its spy agency, itself riddled with Islamic fundamentalists, are finally realizing
that the State’s democratic future lies in redoubling its campaigns in the war against
Despite all such outward appearances, there is hardly any attempt made to curb or get rid of the extremist
sympathizers inside the government and the ISI.
In fact, extremist leaders of the supposedly banned terror organizations are
freely roaming the corridors of power and dictating the government policy, and further influencing and intimidating the judiciary. Today, the government of Pakistan has
made a mockery of democracy.
There’s no doubt that Pakistan and the ISI have been destabilizing
the peace in the subcontinent region.
Since many decades, the Pakistan government’s anti-India policy
and its ISI’s sponsored Islamic militant insurgencies in Kashmir, in the garb
of separatists, continue to be hell-bent in creating and sustaining terror in
this Indian State.
After the Soviets pulled out of Afghanistan in 1989, the ISI wholeheartedly
aided in the creation of the militant Jammu and Kashmir Hizbul Mujahideen, with the Pakistan armed forces lending a strong, active support to the terror operations by the insurgents crossing into India.
On December 2001, with ISI’s logistic, arms, training and
financial support coming mainly from the illegal sources including drug-money,
the trained militants from Lashkare-and Jaish-e-Muhammad groups, brazenly
attacked the very sanctity of the Indian Parliament, and
years later, on 26th of November 2008, the prominent
locations in the financial hub of Mumbai, causing death and much international
outcry. The masterminds of these terror operations are living openly in the Pakistani society being patronized by the state players and the intelligence agency.
Indian and foreign correspondents and officials have alleged
that these covert ISI aided terror operations could not have been possible, though
publicly decried by the USA government, without the latter’s silent nod or awareness.
developments and the aftermath findings, following investigations and analysis of
the events, the finger pointed in such a direction. Ultimately, what mattered was not
the method or sources used, but maintaining the geopolitical goal and vested
interests of the main player, the USA, in the region.
The international role of the ISI is primarily and
predominantly dictated by its bigger counterpart - the USA's foreign policy and its State Department’s
covert managers, the CIA.
presenting to the world, Pakistan, as being USA’s important and active
participant in fighting the world’s war on terror, this ally of the great power
also actively helps to sponsor Jihadi and militant activists through CIA’s
proxy outfits and front organizations (e.g. the infamous and now defunct
Pakistani’s BCCI bank) around the world towards safeguarding the interests of
the USA and its allies.
To be continued ...
Paul Rodricks,
Author & Freelance Writer.
I invite your comments and queries. Thank you.
Paul Rodricks